Apartment 307

This game contains mature content such as nudity, lewd joked, and references to sexual activity, and physical and sexual violence.

For the best experience, it is recommended that you play either by downloading the GBC ROM or playing in-browser using Chrome. For optimum readability, DO NOT use fullscreen mode. Players using Microsoft Edge may experience issues with saving and various bugs not found in other versions.

For those unaware of itch.io's fullscreen mode quirk, after clicking the fullscreen button YOU MUST THEN CLICK THE WINDOW AGAIN in order to place focus back on the game itself, otherwise the following controls won't do anything. This is the case with most if not all of the browser versions of games here on Itch.io. Happy playing!


Jump // Menu selectJ / SPACEA
Menu cancelKB
Tiptoehold Khold B
Dash (unlocked via item)hold S + tap Jhold ↓ + tap A
Dash (alt.)hold J + tap Shold A + tap ↓
Healhold W + Khold ↑ + B
Switch powerhold S + tap Khold ↓ + tap B

Apartment 307 is a Metroidvania about parasitic aliens hoping to infiltrate human society and failing miserably, although their failure isn't all good news for us...




Notes about this patch:

  • Enemies not implemented in many of the areas, leading to a more exploration-heavy experience.
  • Saving is fully implemented so you can leave this page and when you come back, selecting the 'Continue' option from the main menu should restore your gameplay
  • The FEELINGS mechanic is implemented, causing the player's appearance to visibly deteriorate with subsequent deaths. This also triggers alternate dialogues when interacting with certain NPCs
  • The map has been updated to reflect the actual layout of the world. More areas will come in a future update.
  • The save functionality seems to be finicky with players using Microsoft Edge. It is recommended to play in Chrome.
  • Lmk if you find any softlocks (falling down pits you can't escape, menus that won't close, etc.)




For future patches:

  • More rooms
  • Items that allow you to manually apply statuses to the player for enemy avoidance
  • Greater amount of enemy placement
  • Dream sequences to appear when sleeping.
  • More in-depth questlines for Yellow and Eddamminn.




Apartment 307  was originally created over ~40 days for Themed Horror Game Jam #18, placing 6th out of 36 entries.

Code ...........................................

Music & SFX ............................

Sprites & Backgrounds .......

Story .......................................... Brooklynn Whidden

Engine ....................................... GB Studio

Music and SFX ....................... GB Studio

Sprites and tiles .................... Pixel Studio

Backgrounds .......................... Tiled

Special thanks to my playtesters:

GREMSHAK (Aydan Basher and Carleen Reilly) and Mary Verhoeven

Updated 25 days ago
PlatformsWindows, macOS, Linux, Android, HTML5
Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(1 total ratings)
AuthorRoom 308
Made withGB Studio, Tiled
Tags8-Bit, Action-Adventure, Aliens, Game Boy, Metroidvania, Psychological Horror, Retro, Stealth, Surreal
Average sessionA few hours
InputsKeyboard, Gamepad (any)


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Apartment 307 v1.1.1 1 MB
Apartment 307 v1.1 1 MB
Apartment 307 v1.0 1 MB

Development log


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(1 edit) (+2)


I think the game was going for a sarcastic/ comedic route. I was cued into this by the garage levels music and the conversation with the NPC on that level. I feel like the game could have lean more into that route earlier on (  maybe during the intro scene ).  The musical cues worked well when used in this game!

My General Thoughts:

  • The game had a visually pleasing art style in places. I can clearly understand what almost everything is supposed to be.
  • I like the dithering effect on the set pieces in the dark room.
  • The garage area had a very visually pleasing color scheme.  the green NPC stood out really well against the background.
  • Player isn't told they have to press “enter” to start game in browser, also “J”  is an  awkward button to be the select button in my opinion. why not have it be “enter” as well?
  • The font is a tiny bit hard to read, which makes it hard to understand the intro scene. especially with no cinematic to go along with it.
  • There isn't any sound during the intro,  I think it would have been nice to have some music there.
  • The introduction Exposition was very long without a fast forward or skip button.
  • Blue doesn't strike me as an “alien”  color,  unless you add some planets or star imagery to the mix.
  • There wasn't any full-screen for browser play.
  • There wasn't any in-game indication that the “J” button also meant next, during dialogue sequences.
  • I didn't really understand why the doors and bathroom were so large compared to the player.
  • The roads in the garage scene were a little bit  visually  confusing to follow. They were thin in some places, and large in others.
  • I was able to climb up objects before the game informed me that was possible and how to do it. That  just made me a little confused.

Personal Preference: 

There were certain words that I feel like should/could have been censored. Such as Mas***** and S**, during the conversation with the first NPC. In my opinion it's important to keep in mind that a little kid might stumble across your game one day. 


Story wise, why did the showering save progress?


Hey thanks for playing and for the critiques! I will definitely keep some of that in mind. To address a couple things:

I do have the Itch equivalent of a mature content feature on so I’m not super concerned about little kids finding this, that seems like more of a parental supervision issue at that point haha

Bathrooms doors was really just an artistic choice, I wanted to emphasize the protag feeling “small”. I was also trying to touch a bit on the sublime, a feeling of insignificance associated with experiencing intense grandure (think “eldritch” but with more positive, less monstrous associations if youre unfamiliar with that use if the term)

The intro is definitely supposed to be a bit slow, mostly so it doesn’t get skipped through haha, but my playtesters agree with you and I didn’t listen to them so I’ll be sure to up the speed on that for a future update 😅

If there’s ever a point where you thought “Wish there was sound here” girl me too, that’s another thing I left a bit late cuz life got in the way

Thank you so much for playing and leaving such a detailed comment, really appreciate how in-depth you went ❤